
Title Meaning Example
`Alâ' al-Dîn Excellence of the faith `Alâ' al-Dîn 'At.t.âr
Amîr Prince, commander Sayyid Amîr Kulâl
Âtâ Father, leader Khalîl Âtâ
Bâbâ Father, dear friend, religious figure Muh.ammad Bâbâ Samâsiyî
Bahâ' al-Dîn Brilliance of the faith, beauty of the faith Bahâ' al-Dîn Naqshband
Imâmî Religious leader 'Abdullâh Imâmî Is.fahânî
Sayyid Male descendant of the Prophet Muh.ammad, lord Sayyid Amîr Kulâl
Sa'd al-Dîn Felicity of the faith, good luck of the faith, good of the faith Sa'd al-Dîn Kâshgharî
Shaykh Ruler, lord Qutham Shaykh

Introduction - Given Names - Titles - Bynames - Full List of Names

By Ursula Whitcher, alias Ursula Georges, 2004