Feminine Given Names in DES: Petronilla

Feminine Given Names in
A Dictionary of English Surnames


Talan Gwynek, Fause Losenge Herald Extraordinary
(Brian M. Scott, scott@math.csuohio.edu)
© 1994 by Brian M. Scott; all rights reserved.

Petronilla A fem. dim. of Lat Petronius, considered inthe Middle Ages to be a fem. deriv. of PETER; Parnell is thevern. form, of which Penne is prob. a hyp. [Parnall, Penn]
Parnell 1280 Parnall; 1529 (W)
Paronel 1379 (W)
Pernel 1268 Parnall
Purnele* 1297 Parnall
Purnelle 1249 Parnall
Peronele* 1250 Parnall
Peronell* 1274 Parnall
Peronelle 1253 Parnall
Petronella 1207, 1303 (W)
Petronill 1327 Haslock
Petronilla 1189-99 Parnall; 1206 Sage; 1214 Lade; 1275 Clent; 1296 Gadbury; 1311 Pott; 1327 Cock; 1329 Seamer; 1332 New; 1341 Loadman
Petronille 1250 Parnall
Petronille (g.) 1299 xiii
Petronyl 1450 (W)
Penne 1277, 1327 Penn

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