Feminine Given Names in DES: Margaret

Feminine Given Names in
A Dictionary of English Surnames


Talan Gwynek, Fause Losenge Herald Extraordinary
(Brian M. Scott, scott@math.csuohio.edu)
© 1994 by Brian M. Scott; all rights reserved.

Margaret < Lat Margarita < Gk margaritês `a pearl'. Magg, Megg, and Mogg are hyps. with dims. in -ot. Pogg isanother hyp., rhymed on Mogg. Magge may also representmodern Madge < MARGERY, q.v. [Margetts,Magson, Madge, Maggot, Meggs, Meggat, Mogg, Poggs]
Margar' 1275 Ashcroft
Margaret 1185 Percy; 1202 Catt; 1212 Bodenham; 1214 Benneworth; 1260 Balsam; 1275 Dunstan; 1277 Stainton; 1279 Robins; 1282 Ilbert; 1295 Chevins; 1296 Pott; 1297 Uppiby;1298 Kisser; 1302-03 Merriden; 1306 Butter; 1314 Balley; 1316 Woodfield;1327 Acke; 1332 Beadel; 1348 Tallantire; 1363 Pepperwhite; 1374 Goodiff;1379 Issard; 1381 Brewster; 1446 Clarvis; 1454 Popplewell; 1472 Esdaile;1476 xlv; 1481 Tart; 1487 Pendred; 1492 Kinder; 1524 Mather; 1525 Goodesmith; 1530 Anguish; 1562 Nothard; 1564 Burroughes; 1568 xlix; 1588 Clarson
Margareta 1189 (W); 1207 Seaborn;1273 (W); 1285 Rous; 1327 Hemphrey; 1381 li; 1433 Travers; 1593 Sargeantson
Margarete 1450 (W)
Margarett 1450 (W)
Margarette 1450 (W)
Margarita 1549 Mowson
Markaret 1494 (W)
Mergret 1498 (W); 1561 Pimblett
Margat 1534 Margetts
Marget 1524 Sampson
Margyt 1540 (W)
Merget 1460 Margetts
Magg* 1327 Magson
Magge 1246, c.1248 Madge; 1275 Thorn
Magge* 1200, 1293 Madge
Magges* 1327 Madge
Maggot 1286 Maggot
Maggote* 1279 Maggot
Magot 1208 Madge; 1296 Maggot; 1324 Exley
Magota 1208 Madge; 1379 Claret; 1381 li
Magote 1273, 1379, 1430 (W)
Magot* 1379 Maggot
Magott 1273, 1379,1430 (W)
Megge 1254 Meggs; 1273(W)
Megge (g.) 1279 Meggs
Megge* 1275 Meggs
Megota 1309 Meggat
Mogg* 1195 Mogg
Mogge* 1195 Mogg
Mogota 1313, 1325 Mogg
Pogge* 1286 Poggs

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