Feminine Given Names in DES: Ellen

Feminine Given Names in
A Dictionary of English Surnames


Talan Gwynek, Fause Losenge Herald Extraordinary
(Brian M. Scott, scott@math.csuohio.edu)
© 1994 by Brian M. Scott; all rights reserved.

Ellen < HELEN < Gk `Elenê, fem. of `Elenos `the bright one'. [Ellen,Ellett]
Elen 1561 (W)
Elena 1187 Ludford; 1204 Ellen; 1208 Papworth;1213-15 (W); 1219 Ellen; 1275 Stocker; 1295 Thaxter; 1301 May; 1312 Stott;1317 Brede; 1327 Edkins; 1332 (S: Burgweard); 1346 (W); 1379 Silverside;1381 Osborn
Elene 1529(W)
Eleyn* 1279 Ellen
Ellen 1296 Ormandy; 1324 Tarboc
Ellin 1561(W)
Ellyn 1507(W)
Ellot 1332 Ellett
Ellota 1379 Ellett;1381 li
Elota 1379(W)

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