Feminine Given Names in DES: Christina

Feminine Given Names in
A Dictionary of English Surnames


Talan Gwynek, Fause Losenge Herald Extraordinary
(Brian M. Scott, scott@math.csuohio.edu)
© 1994 by Brian M. Scott; all rights reserved.

Christina <OE crísten `Christian'; the Eng form of C(h)ristiana.[Christin]
Christina 1283 (S: Tírweald); 1297 Croucher; 1311 Pollit; 1335 Digg; 1367 Netter
Cristina 1219, 1221 Christin; 1250 Pentecost; 1275 Frain; 1279 Edward;1296 Foreman; 1297 Clean; 1327 Ballet; 1332 Dunce; 1349 xlviii; 1365 Burnet; 1378 Flaxman; 1474 Natrass
Cristine 1277-78 Dambell; 1305 Frocke; 1312 Rodgate
Crystina 1296 Witherington
Kristyan 1450(W)
Kyrstyan 1450 (W)

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