An Index to the 1332 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Lincolnshire, England

by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (mka Kathleen M. O'Brien)


Sorted by Byname: (Bi-By)


Title Given Name Article Byname(s) Village Line
SimonBidel K-1699
TheobaldBidel L-6136
Williambien K-1742
WilliamBiffyn H-2046
WilliamBikes K-00414
AlicedeBilingaye K-18521
ThomasdeBilingaye K-18511
HughdeBilleffeld K-01519
IdoneadeBillesby K-1284
MargerydeBillesdon' K-07612
JohnBillof' L-624
RalphBinorth' že Water K-16010
GilbertdeBinyngton' K-04722
WilliamBirchun L-803
RobertdeBirrle K-001203
JohndeBirthorp' K-01834
RogerdeBirthorp' K-1271
RosedeBirthorp' K-01314
RosedeBirthorp' K-1272
WilliamdeBirthorp' K-001184
ThomasdeBirton K-00153
HenrydeBirton' K-0406
AlanBischop H-0861
Mill'Bischop L-488
ThomasBischop H-0873
WalterBischop K-1364
Alice Bischop' K-00210
EmmaBischop' K-20227
JohnBischop' K-1575
JohnBischop' L-184
RogerBischop' L-1822
WilliamBischop' K-20233
WilliamBischop' L-188
AgnesBischopp' L-8519
RichardBiscop' L-0286
RobertBiscop' L-0284
ReginaldBishop H-0991
GeoffreyBislaunce [sic = Briselaunce?] K-0019
RichardBisschop' K-20231
JohnBisshop' L-4814
WilliamBisshop' L-4818
RobertBissing' K-0451
HughBissoig K-1552
RalphBithekirk' L-457
WilliamBlacberd K-12526
JohnBlack H-2410
JohnBlak' K-10121
JohnBlak' K-20946
ThomasBlak' L-7411
MatildaBlakeman K-001146
AlexanderdeBlakewelle H-2131
ThomasdeBlakewelle H-2125
WilliamdeBlakewelle H-1318
JohnBlaksoule K-15214
RogerdeBlakston' K-1034
JohnBlanchard K-1753
WilliamBlancpayn H-12101
GilbertdeBlankeney H-04123
JohndeBlankeney H-217
RicharddeBlankeney H-1374
HughBlaunch' L-893
RichardBlaunch' L-896
WilliamBlaunchard L-5412
PeterBlaunk' K-1972
MichaeldeBlaunkenay L-8530
JohndeBlaunkeney K-05123
WilliamdeBlaunkeney K-1378
BaldwindeBlaunkeneye K-01829
JohnBlenche H-1025
RobertBlenche H-114
LaurenceBlencher K-12011
AlicedeBlesby K-1429
AsfriddeBlesby K-1427
WilliamdeBleseby K-1424
RobertBlete K-13911
JohnBleuet K-19448
RobertBleuet L-5418
ThomasBleuet K-18728
AlanBleyk H-0864
JohnBleyke H-0845
WalterBleyke H-08100
RicharddeBlissebyry H-1758
JohnBlissot K-1371
RobertBlissot K-13715
William deBliton' K-1081
WilliamBlod H-1926
JohnBlome K-001118
ReginaldBlome H-17120
WilliamBlont K-18519
JohnBlont' K-16141
JohnBlount H-1880
WilliamLeBlount H-1310
JohndeBloxham K-18527
Marg'Blunham K-06413
RalphdeBlyburgh' L-183
RobertdeBlyburgh' L-4421
JohnBlyssott' K-16939
JohndeBlyton' K-19729
ThomasdeBlyton' L-582
AlanBobelyn K-13437
HenrydeBoby K-21127
ThomasdeBoby K-2114
GeoffreyBocheler H-12128
JohnleBocher K-0152
WilliamleBocher K-0157
JohnBody L-3314
MatildaBofler K-20222
GeoffreydeBokeland K-02316
JohnBokil K-17025
HughBokil' K-17010
HenryBolax L-2426
RichardBolax L-2433
JohnBolb' L-095
AdamdeBolby K-12825
WilliamdeBolby K-01825
AdamBole K-18014
AliceBole K-16941
RichardBole K-0062
RobertBole K-0613
RobertBole K-19828
ThomasBole K-0616
ThomasBole K-06322
WilliamBole K-11520
WilliamBole H-1217
HughBolet K-19922
NigelBolewer H-05141
JohnBolhede L-3816
Emma deBolington' K-08214
AlanBolle H-055
IsabelBolle H-2533
JohnBolle K-09120
JohnBolle H-056
JohnBolle H-0221
JohnBolle H-2136
RobertBolle H-0599
SimonBolle K-00176
ThomasBolle H-0224
WilliamBolle K-18031
WalterBolleshoure K-1701
RobertBolower H-04205
JohndeBolton K-0356
HughBolur K-06015
JohnBolur K-1789
JohnBolur K-20219
MatildaBolur K-2029
RichardBolur K-06016
RichardBolur K-1788
RichardBolur K-20210
RobertBolur K-0436
ThomasBolur K-17815
WilliamBolur K-1022
WilliamBolur K-20626
GilbertBolyng' L-407
PhilipdeBolyngton' L-8113
RichardBolyz K-1559
AdamBond H-3134
AmabelBond L-1614
BernardBond K-001193
GilbertBond K-0513
JohnBond K-001176
RichardBond H-1838
RobertBond K-05113
RobertBond K-11432
RobertBond L-426
SimonBond K-1533
ThomasBond H-0277
ThomasBond snrL-519
ThomasBondjnr L-5121
WalterBond L-0419
WilliamBond K-0324
WilliamBond H-1031
JohnBond' L-3630
RalphBond' K-1324
RichardBond' L-5123
RobertBond' L-0158
WilliamBond' L-9010
AliceBonde H-08110
HenryBonde L-251
JohnBonde H-191
JohnBonde H-2730
Marg'Bonde H-2731
NicholasBonde H-08103
RalphBonde L-164
RichardBonde H-194
RobertBonde K-08836
ThomasBonde H-1924
WilliamBonde K-19920
WilliamBonde L-163
WilliamBonde L-4015
WilliamBondeman H-0484
ThomasBondman K-17412
WilliamBondyng' K-20837
HughBoner K-13229
JohnBoner K-1328
NicholasBoner K-13232
RichardBoner H-0525
SimonBoner K-13319
WilliamBoner K-00831
RichardBones H-2641
LambertBonesneue H-2538
RichardBonet H-14167
ThomasBonewrt H-2746
Beatricebonne L-7110
RobertBonny L-042
SimonBonseruays K-14120
AlexanderBordel H-21155
StephenBore L-2031
AgnesBorel H-0770
WilliamBorenowe L-0329
HenryBorer K-11824
HughBorer K-14121
JohndeBoringham L-0614
HughBorre K-09730
RobertdeBoryngham L-0726
RicharddeBosco L-2012
RogerdeBosco L-2026
JohndeBoselyngthorp' L-766
RogerBoseuile H-1230
EustaceBosoyn K-1285
AdamBosse L-2514
WilliamBoteler K-0678
WilliamdeBotelesford' K-0814
WilliamdeBoterwyck' H-164
HenrydeBoterwyk' K-001133
NicholasdeBotha L-0316
RobertdeBotha L-0314
AdamdelBothe L-0235
ChristineatteBothe K-0696
JohnatteBothe K-06946
JohndelBothe L-0240
WilliamatteBothe K-17128
ChristinedeBotheby K-16153
JohndeBotheby K-0503
JohndeBotheby K-11310
JohndeBotheby L-2317
GuydeBotholham H-082
RichardBotid' [sic -- Botild'?] K-21915
WilliamBotil K-09516
RichardBotirmouth' L-8425
ThomasBotrabeo K-16421
RichardBouch[er] H-1364
WilliamdeBoudon' K-0014
WilliamdeBoukelande L-9018
Alicede laBoure L-104
Ivettade laBoure L-1011
RobertleBourser K-001130
JosephBousom H-2681
JohndeBouton' K-00556
WilliamBownce H-0334
Margeryde labowrhall' K-18724
JohnBoxum K-0668
AlanBoye K-13110
HenryBoye K-1206
HughBoye K-2003
RogerdeBoys L-129
EmcynaBoystus H-255
JohnBoystus H-2544
RichardBoystus H-2567
ThomasBoystus H-2545
ReginaldBoyt' K-06610
Annice [Agnes]Bozon H-17117
RobertBozoun K-2098
JohndeBraceby H-2626
BriceBracen[er] H-281
JohnBracher L-066
IsoldaBraci K-0549
HenryBracy K-0541
RobertBracy L-4025
HenryBrade L-3515
ThomasBrade L-632
JohndeBradeflet H-219
WilliamdeBradenham K-1627
CatherinedeBradewe H-1275
GilbertdeBradewe H-128
HughdeBradewe H-1222
JohndeBradewe H-12148
Marg'deBradewe H-0458
SimondeBradewe H-0457
AlicedeBradford' L-8542
BaldwindeBradle K-08512
PhilipdeBradwell' K-21015
GilbertdeBraiceby K-20817
HughdeBraiceby K-16616
WilliamdeBraiceby K-20822
JohndeBrailand' K-08928
JohndeBrailand' K-19711
ThomasBram H-3150
Helen [Elena]Brama H-3113
RichardBrama H-3112
RobertdeBrandon' K-0986
WilliamdeBrandon' H-3240
RobertBrant' K-17121
JohnBrantyng' H-1878
RogerdeBrantyngham L-5115
RalphleBraseur K-15112
JohnBrasse H-3285
JohnBrasur K-00522
SimondeBratteflet' H-1367
AdamdeBrauncewell' K-0759
EufemiadeBrauncewell' K-0756
JohndeBrauncewell' K-0566
JohndeBrauncewell' K-0645
JohndeBrauncewell' K-07715
JohndeBrauncewell' K-1819
ThomasdeBrauncewell' K-0776
ThomasdeBrauncewell' K-1752
JohndeBrauncewell' K-1751
RobertBraund' L-7210
IsabelBraunston' K-0468
WilliamdeBraunston' K-04612
AliceBray K-113103
JohnBray K-00718
JohnBray jnrK-00723
WilliamBray K-1806
JohndeBrayceby K-2087
HenrydeBrayland K-09821
WarindeBrayland' K-19721
WilliamBrayng' K-04620
EufemiaBrayt' K-0625
HelewiseBrekdur K-1182
JohnBrenith' K-07019
RobertBresttoun K-1453
HughBret H-0714
JohnBret H-3083
LambertBret H-257
Olicia [sic]Bret H-0711
WalterBret H-3061
NicholasBreteuill' K-03611
AliceBreteuill' K-0361
JohnBrethuile K-0363
SimonBreton L-2333
WalterBreton L-7818
Williamde [sic]Breton K-06112
Williamde [sic]Breton H-2065
RobertBreton' K-08834
WarinBreton' K-08826
WilliamBreton' K-08920
HughBrette K-0977
JohnBrette K-0887
RobertBrette K-0888
WilliamBrette K-2137
SimondeBretteuyll' L-934
RobertBretuile K-0364
Simonbretun K-13237
WilliamBreule H-2341
JohndeBreuosa L-951
Ran[ulph]Breust[er?] H-2387
AlanBreuster L-818
JohnBreuster L-8547
RalphBreuster L-814
RichardBreuster L-7727
JohnBrewer H-0863
JohndeBrewosa L-601
Sir JohnleBrews K-0512
GeoffreyBrewyster H-1169
AlanfiliusBreyteywe H-1762
SimonBrian H-2042
HenryBrice K-20631
RogerBrice L-2441
AndrewfiliusBricii H-0788
AlanBrid K-12510
AliceBrid H-14100
RobertBrid K-18420
ThomasBridd L-821
GilbertdeBridesale L-7326
Mr RobertdeBridlington K-14127
HenryBriffu K-1929
WilliamatteBrig' K-17033
WilliamatteBrigg' L-0362
HubertBrightif' L-7414
EdmundBrightiff L-7429
WilliamBrightiff' L-7431
RicharddeBrigstok' K-001147
AdamBril H-15118
JohnBrioun K-00819
JohnBrioun K-0432
JohnBrithiue K-1356
EliasdeBrocelby L-4428
RichardBrodde K-11366
RobertBrodyng H-21114
WilliamBrodyng H-0649
JohnBrok' K-18212
ThomasBrok' L-0237
JohndeBrokelesby K-2127
EmmadeBrokholm' K-2165
RalphdeBrokkelay K-0873
RicharddeBroklesby L-3411
RobertBromf' K-07021
AgnesBrond K-001129
HenryBrond H-0930
JohnBrond K-0267
RobertBrond K-06018
ThomasBrond H-318
Marg'Bront K-05826
RobertBront K-05824
RichardBrothersone L-1310
JohndeBroughton K-06827
JohndeBroughton K-1146
ThomasdeBroughton' K-1695
AlanBroun K-06812
AlanBroun H-19110
AlexanderBroun H-1013
EdusaBroun L-959
GeoffreyBroun K-20639
GilbertBroun H-1292
HughBroun K-14115
HughBroun K-19420
Ithon'Broun K-06913/td>
JohnBroun K-0382
JohnBroun K-1499
JohnBroun jnrK-2106
JohnBroun K-21033
JohnBroun H-1532
JohnBroun H-1056
JohnBroun H-0977
JohnBroun H-1330
JohnBroun L-855
LambertBroun H-2614
LaurenceBroun L-5427
MatthewBroun K-0581
MatthewBroun K-21032
RalphBroun K-1591
RalphBroun K-16113
RichardBroun K-0636
RichardBroun K-13459
RichardBroun K-20241
RobertBroun K-06122
RobertBroun K-06818
RobertBroun K-12341
RogerBroun K-11712
SimonBroun K-001141
SimonBroun K-0101
SimonBroun K-12328
SimonBroun H-2021
ThomasBroun K-17825
ThomasBroun H-0978
ThomasBroun H-1249
WalterBroun K-05316
WalterBroun H-0923
WilliamBroun K-0527
WilliamBroun K-0809
WilliamBroun K-09623
WilliamBroun K-0973
WilliamBroun K-13017
WilliamBroun K-20926
WilliamBroun K-2101
WilliamBroun K-2136
WilliamBroun H-1854
WilliamBroun L-5117
WilliamBroun L-931
HughfiliusBroun [sic] K-1605
JohnBrounche H-0256
BeatricedeBroune K-01820
JoanBroune L-1926
JohndeBroune K-12028
JohnBroune L-105
PetronilladeBroune K-12811
RogerdeBroune K-0224
WalterBroune H-0767
WilliamdeBroune K-1366
WilliamdeBroune K-1798
HenryBrouneyng' [sic] H-1874
RogerBrounswyn H-1989
AlanBrounyng K-15622
AliceBrounyng H-2771
HughBrounyng H-2772
JohnBrounyng K-0453
JohnBrounyng H-1876
JohnBrounyng H-2777
WilliamBrounyng H-2784
HenryBrous H-0414
ThomasBrous H-2673
JohndeBrouthon' K-13626
WilliamBroyl L-202
Richardde laBruer L-3655
MargerydeBrughton' K-10313
RicharddeBrughton' K-10112
BenedictdeBrun' L-0344
WilliamdeBruna K-00194
WilliamdeBrunby L-292
JohndeBrune K-11717
WilliamdeBrune K-00555
HughdeBrunham H-3243
JohndeBrunham L-0165
RogerdeBrunham L-032
JohndeBrunn L-2017
ElizabethdeBrunne K-1494
JohndeBrunne K-1507
RicharddeBrunne K-03414
ThomasdeBrunne K-03415
WilliamdeBrunne K-14916
WilliamdeBrunne L-339
WalterdeBrunneby L-6914
WilliamdeBrunton' H-3265
RichardBrus K-0548
JohnBruster L-9027
AliceBryan K-01710
CecilyBryan K-12410
MargeryBryan K-1249
ReginaldBryan K-12315
RobertBryan K-0506
RogerBryan L-404
SybilBryan K-17126
WilliamBryan K-00634
WilliamBryan K-1705
MatildaBryce K-13121
WilliamBryce K-113109
AdamBryd K-1458
HenryBryd K-0879
JohnBryd K-18414
RichardBryd K-0362
RichardBryd K-15624
RobertBryd K-03213
WilliamBryd' K-0244
ThomasatteBrygg' K-1574
GilbertdeBryggeley H-1489
JohndelBryghouses H-2514
RicharddeBrygstok' K-00149
RobertBrygstok' K-00160
AgnesBrysetymbr' L-214
JohnBrystymbre L-166
JohnBrytheleem H-05131
JohnBrythewe K-0847
BaldwinBrythiue K-0487
ThomasBrythiue K-13513
GilbertdeBrytyfen H-04185
JohndeBrytyfen H-04184
GeoffreyBuchos K-11638
JohnBuck H-0274
RichardBuck H-05133
StephenBuck H-0246
IncoteraBugge K-13214
JohnBugge K-13240
RichardBugge K-13262
WilliamBugge K-02312
RanulphdeBuggeden' L-6110
IsabelBuk' K-0836
RichardBuk' L-3641
RogerBuk' K-0984
NicholasBuksheued L-177
JohndeBukton' K-001113
AdamBule K-19816
MatthewBule K-08921
WilliamBule K-0895
JohnBullok H-1021
MartinBullok L-8621
WilliamBullok H-0165
JoceBullok' H-0239
JohnBully K-1475
RanulphBully K-03812
RobertBullyng snrK-1622
RobertBullyng jnrK-16217
WilliamdeBulwik' K-00147
AlanBunch' H-1293
HenryBunche K-0833
HughBunni K-001201
SimonBunnyng' K-20923
RogerBunty H-3139
HenryBuntyng H-046
JohnBuntyng K-1467
ThomasBuntyng H-04174
WalterBuntyng H-0479
WilliamBuntyng H-3127
JohnBurdon' L-317
ThomasBurdon' L-3113
GeoffreyatteBure K-0969
JohnatteBure K-06937
ThomasatteBure K-06938
LukedeBurg' K-11222
JohnBurgeis K-13816
RogerBurgeis K-18411
JoceBurges H-2795
GodfreyBurgeys H-19113
AgnesdeBurgh' L-1414
RicharddeBurgo K-001175
JohndeBurgoyn L-027
WilliamatteBurhalle K-18718
EliasBurheued' K-07824
.........deBurle K-20311
HenrydeBurle K-13634
JohndeBurle K-00126
WilliamdeBurle K-00112
WilliamdeBurne L-3919
RobertBurneuile H-05114
GeoffreydeBurnham K-2094
GundredaBurre L-038
WilliamBurre L-0317
WilliamBurry H-079
SimonBurse K-06315
JohndeBurtoft H-0349
ThomasdeBurtoft H-0245
NicholasdeBurton K-00729
ThomasdeBurton H-0853
RicharddeBurton' K-09813
RicharddeBurton' K-16914
RogerdeBurton' K-1092
ThomasdeBurton' K-0248
WalterdeBurton' K-0863
WilliamdeBurton' K-02412
WilliamdeBurton' K-17726
BartholomewdeBurughwasce K-0551
RobertdeBury K-00125
WilliamBuskheued L-226
JoceBussell' K-1353
JohnBussi K-02710
JohndeBussi K-1991
AndrewBussy H-0712
HenryBussy H-07141
HenryBussy jnrH-2385
RichardBussy H-2315
RobertBussy H-0774
WilliamBussy H-0763
AliceBust H-2313
BenedictBust H-2311
RichardBust H-3023
GilbertBustard [sic] H-167
RogerBustink' K-0861
RobertBut H-3294
RobertdeButhorp' L-342
JohndeButterwyk' L-0628
JohnBuxom K-1801
AlanBuyn' H-2696
ThomasBuyn' H-2623
Johna laBuythe H-12112
RobertBydel K-06926
RobertBydel K-16932
HughBydyl H-2022
JohnBygge K-1804
JohnBygot H-0516
JohnBygot L-0813
SimonBygot L-0825
ThomasBygot H-05111
RobertdeByington' K-16122
WilliamByk' K-11436
RichardByker K-0828
MatthewdeBykyr H-12132
RogerdeBykyr H-2770
JohndeBykyr chaplain H-2699
WilliamBylon H-12138
RobertdeBynbrok' L-3644
RobertdeBynington' K-20249
WilliamByrche H-32105
RogerdeByrthorp H-05116
HenrydeByrye et socius eius H-32116
JohndeBytham K-1418
RichardByWestoun' K-10322