"al-Dīn" style names from Ibn Jubayr
by Basil Dragonstrike

This list collects all the so-called "honorific names" of the form "____al-Dīn" and similar formations (e.g. al-Dawla instead of al-Dīn).

For those readers who are from the SCA and looking for help forming an SCA name, please note that it has been ruled that this sort of name is not registrable, as being presumptuous.

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ʻAla al-Din
Husam al-Din
ʻImad al-Din
ʻIzz al-Din
Jamal al-Din
Lisan al-Din
Muʻin al-Din
Muʻizz al-Din
Mujahid al-Din
Muzaffar al-Din
Najm al-Din
Nur al-Din
Qutb al-Din
Radi al-Din
Sadr al-Din
Salah al-Din
Sayf al-Dawlah
Sayf al-Din
Sayf al-Islam
Taj al-Din