Feminine Given Names in DES: Eva

Feminine Given Names in
A Dictionary of English Surnames


Talan Gwynek, Fause Losenge Herald Extraordinary
(Brian M. Scott, scott@math.csuohio.edu)
© 1994 by Brian M. Scott; all rights reserved.

Eva Lat, of Heb origin; thevern. is Eve. Ewe may be a different name. Thedims. are in -ot, -et, -el-ot, and -el-un.[Eve, Eveling, Evatt, Ewe]
Eua 1296 Dyster; 1327 (S: Wulfsige)
Eva 1154-89 Eve; 1199 Jeeves; 1201 Babbington; 1206, 1211 Eve; 1249 Scollas; 1277 Sacker; 1278 Prestoe; 1303, 1346 (W); 1359 Carp; 1450 Purvis
Eve 1284, 1486(W)
Ewe 1199-1200 Ewe
Euot 1314 Evatt
Euota 1317 Aldon; 1319 Wildsmith
Evette 1420 Evatt
Evelot* 1305 Eveling
Evelune (g.) 1218 Eveling
Evota 1426 (W)

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